Thursday, September 12, 2024

Writing to Congress from the World's Largest Mailbox

Image: The open door of the World's Largest Mailbox

Image: My college kiddo standing in the mailbox

While driving across half the country with my college junior to take them to school this year, we took a little time to explore some of the lesser known American landmarks…like the World’s Largest Mailbox in Casey, IL! Being an advocate known for encouraging people to write to Congress, I just had to pull over and write to all three of my members of Congress from a curiosity like that.

This mailbox is so big there are stairs inside leading up to the box where you can look out onto the big open door. There’s a normal sized box within the big box where you can put your stamped mail in to be picked up and delivered.

Image: Cindy walking up the stairs
to the mailbox
Image: My kid's eyes and the
mailbox staircase
Image: Cindy writing a postcard to Congress

We bought postcards and stamps at the little gift shop at the bottom and talked about what issues we wanted to write about. I wrote about global vaccines and to encourage U.S. support of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to provide immunizations to low-income countries. That's a program which RESULTS, Shot@Life, and the ONE Campaign have all been advocating about this year.

A note to Congress doesn’t have to be long or fancy. A note postcard will do! Just remember to state a short, clear request and include your name and address as you would for any letter to Congress. Where will YOU write to Congress from next?

Image: Book cover

Buy an autographed copy of "From Changing Diapers to Changing the World: Why Moms Make Great Advocates and How to Get Started" at my website or order it from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or any independent bookstore!

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