This exciting photo was recreated so your imagination doesn't have to work too hard. |
End of the story: he didn't have it. My husband saw the bag on his way to work and he'd already brought it in the house. I thought to myself, "That was a total stay-at-home mom situation." A working person who left a bag on the lawn might realize it at the workplace and just say, "Oh, well. I can't do anything about it now." Stay-at-home parents sometimes end up doing odd things during the day because we urgently know we can still affect the outcomes of situations in progress if we act RIGHT NOW. Other people give up many things as Lost Causes because they have to stay at work and there is nothing to be done about it. This can be a bad thing - like this morning - when I put a lot of effort into fixing something that doesn't actually need to be fixed. OR, it can be a great thing when only you are in the position to go for the save!
A stay-at-home parent has the ability to affect problems working people don't have time or flexibility to address.Being a stay-at-home parent can sometimes feel like you aren't doing anything important because you don't go to a workplace like your employed counterparts. Let me offer you an empowering thought. You have the blessing of managing your own time and being able to solve problems, whether it's the small problem of a missing martial arts uniform or massive world problems like poverty or climate change. You don't have to throw your hands up and say, "I'm here at work and my employer is paying for my time. I can't do anything about it for another eight hours!" You are in charge of your own schedule whether you have kids in school or still have toddlers and babies with you.
Here are actions you can arrange to include in your day with much less hassle than someone who is required to report to a cube. Whatever your advocacy issue is, you can...
- ...sign an online petition without using your workplace internet connection to visit non work-related sites
- ....make a call to your member of Congress anywhere without a boss telling you to use your own phone on your own time
- ....schedule a meeting with your district congressional office and even take kids with you without having to take a personal vacation day
- ....have other moms over to your house to write letters and help THEM feel great about changing the world, too!
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Comic from The Mind Unleashed facebook site |