"Imagine a girl in poverty. Go ahead, imagine her..."
This short text driven movie helps illustrate how girls in poverty, when given an opportunity, can change the world. Take a look...
The Girl Effect
...and consider these important facts:
- When a girl in the developing world receives 7 or more years of education, she marries 4 years later and has 2.2 fewer children
-Educated girls grow into educated women who have healthier babies and are more likely to educate their own kids
-When women earnn income, they reinvest 90% of it into their famillies as compared to only 30 to 40% for a man
-An extra year of primary school boosts girls' future wages by 10-20%
-An extra year of secondary schoo; boosts girls' future wages by 15-25%
Please visit this website for more important facts and actions to help you improve the health, education and the very lives of girls around the world!