Sunday, February 17, 2008

Anyone interested in an online book discussion here?

Here are my questions for you, dear readers...(and I know you're out there now as I've recently installed the counters to prove it!)

Would any of you be interested in doing an on-line book discussion? If so, do you know of a poverty-related book that interests you?

I was on someone's blog the other day and noticed that she was going to do a blogged book group. She encouraged everyone to get a copy of a certain book and planned to periodically blog about a section and invite people to comment. It requires no specific time for a group to meet in person, can be done from anywhere in the country. It wouldn't be face-to-face interactive, but would allow people to participate who can't normally schedule in a traditional book group.

Anyway, please let me know if you'd be interested! Thank you very much to you who have been reading this blog. I especially appreciate your comments you've made here and as I see some of you in-person. My goal for this outlet is to increase awareness and dialogue about poverty issues. When you write/talk to me about it, I know that goal is being fulfilled! Thank you! -ccyl

1 comment:

Ady Grafovna said...

I think it sounds like a great idea!