Monday, May 11, 2009

May 15th Deadline for RESULTS International Conference

The deadline for registering for the RESULTS International conference is May 15. If you want to learn face-to-face lobbying from experts in building relationships with members of Congress, go learn from these people!
Here's a testimonial from their website that had an eye-opening statistic...
During an International Conference in the early 1990s, activists who had spent time lobbying during the conference came together for a meeting. What our congressman said to us has always stuck with me and illuminated just how important our voices are.
“Do you know how many bills will be introduced during this session of Congress?” he asked. Most of us had no idea. The answer? 35,000. Our minds whirled as we tried to imagine how any member of Congress or staffer could possibly know about them all.
Then he said, “Do you know how many bills will be passed?” We made wild guesses. The answer? About 220, based on the previous congressional session.
In many cases, it is only because of our persistent voices that bills will pass which are of critical importance to people in poverty.
— Bob Dickerson, Seattle partner

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