Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards brought Poverty to the table

I just heard that the John Edwards campaign is over today. I'm sad to see him go as he was an important voice in the debates. Before he arrived on the scene, I wondered if presidential debates would ever take poverty seriously. He did a tremendous job of bringing poverty issues to the front and not letting people forget about it. I hope the other candidates keep up the dialogue now that we're having the discussion. Good luck, John and Elizabeth! I'm sure we'll see you again!


Anonymous said...

I was an Edwards supporter, who is now supporting Obama. I just hope that he won't keep listening to mainstream Wall Street types, who brought us the mortgage bubble and other unsustainable economic policies. He did vote for the Bankrupcy bill, that gives more power to credit card companies.

CCYL said...

Edwards leaving helped me make up my mind about supporting Obama. I don't know anything about the Bankruptcy bill. Please consider joining the group "Obama Supporters Against Hunger and Poverty" on to post a blog entry about it. I started it to facilitate discussion about Obama's stand on poverty issues. FYI, there's also a group called "Edwards Supporters for Obama." I invited them to the poverty group, too :) Thanks for your comment! I will read up on the Bankruptcy Bill now...